One of the biggest mining multipools in the world, Nanopool run by Finom company, has launched mining of a new cryptocurrency – Electroneum. It became the seventh pool initiated by Nanopool developers. Since 2015, the multipool has been used for mining a big portion of Ethereum, as well as some of Monero, Pascal, Siacoin, Ethereum Classic and ZCash.
To make the newly added coin more attractive for miners, the developers have set the mining at 0% charges throughout the beta-mode.

Ethereum (ETN) is a cryptocurrency aimed at integration in gaming, trading and networking services. Its value has been growing steadily since 27 November, and is at just below 10 cents now.
The coin was created using CryptoNight algorithm that is also used by Monero (XMR), Sumokoin (SUMO), Karbowanec (KRB). The algorithm is quite advantageous for mining on GPU from AMD, especially from AMD Radeon RX Vega. Graphic processors Nvidia with Cryptonight are not as efficient.
The beta-version of the new pool from Nanopool developers offers its users a 0% charge Electroneum mining. Use the link to join the service.

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